Goals of responsibly produced peat
Assure the availability of peat, from responsible sources, where peat is essential for growing media
At this moment some alternatives are available, but it is very difficult to find environmental friendly alternatives with the same valuable properties. Reliable alternatives are not yet available in sufficient quantities to replace peat. If we want to feed the world, we are yet reliable of peat. By setting standards for responsible production, peat can be used where essential for application in horticulture in Europe.
Assuring availability of responsibly produced peat by leaving natural peatlands with high conservation value untouched
About our certified locations
European locations with Responsibly Produced Peat
Certified peat production sites meet all requirements defined in the RPP scheme. To this day, the Board of Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat granted the RPP-certificate to 29 locations.
The companies of these locations show commitment to the standards of Responsibly Produced Peat.
The map shows their geographical distribution.
Period for comment on intended certification
Before the final decission to grant the RPP certificate, during a period of 6 weeks, the Committee of Experts offers parties concerned the opportunity to provide comment on the intended advise for certification.
The intended decision is based on the fact that the companies with these specific locations meet the requirements of the actual RPP-certification scheme. The fulfilment of the criteria is always checked on location by an independent inspector.

How can you get involved?
To support the goals of Responsibly Produced Peat, you can support us in various ways

Certify your peat
Peat producing companies

Use responsibly produced peat
Growing media producers
Ask for RPP certified substrates
Growers and other users of growing media

Become a supporter
Everyone who wants to support further development and implementation of Responsibly Produced Peat