New Board member RPP
Jan Astrup replaces Claes Bohlin as representative for GME
Responsibly Produced Peat is pleased to announce that, during the Board meeting on May 23, Jan Astrup is appointed as a new Board member. Jan will represent GME in the Board and is replacing Claes Bohlin who resigned because he retired (see also below).
Jan Astrup is CEO of Pindstrup and member of the Board of Growing Media Europe (GME). We welcome Jan and his valuable experience, not only with the growing media industry but also with "Round Table Sustainable Palm Oil" during his career before Pindstrup.

Thank you Claes Bohlin
Enjoy your retirement!
Unfortunately we also have to say goodbye to Claes Bohlin. Claes has been in the Board since the establishment in 2013 and we thank him for his valuable contribution to the development of Responsibly Produced Peat. We wish him all the best and enjoyable times.