Hans Schutten
New representative for Wetlands International in the Board
Hans Schutten is Programme Head Climate-smart Land Use at Wetlands International and also leading their peatlands program on a global level. He has extensive experience in aquatic and wetland ecology and management. As an ecological expert he provided advice on national and international levels for example for EU Environmental Protection Agencies and the European Commission.
Through his career he has become familiar with thinking through sustainable business models that work in harmony with environmental protection. The Board has appointed Hans during the online meeting on the 28th of May. Hans' experience in working with communities, politicians and industry is an added value for RPP and we welcome Hans to the Board as representative of Wetlands International!
Frank Hoffmann
Resigned from his position in the Board
As a senior technical employee Biodiversity and Corporate Relations at Wetlands International, Frank Hoffmann has been able to make an important contribution to RPP in various areas. Not only as an excellent participant in the dialogue with other NGOs, but also, for example, with regard to the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the possible future scenarios to be taken into account. It is unfortunate that the farewell had to take place via the video conference, but RPP is no less grateful to Frank for his position on the Board for the past 3 years! RPP whishes Frank good luck in his further work at Wetlands International.