Be aware
RPP doesn't require RHP
Some companies have the impression that RPP and RHP certification have similar procedures or one is conditional for the other. The confusion is understandable considering the fact that Hein Boon, director of RHP, is also the secretary of RPP. Additionally both organizations have office at the the same address and are concerned with peat.
But both organizations have complete different goals.
RPP certification is about responsible management of peat extraction sites to minimize impacts on the environment. This involves peatland selection, extraction and the best possible development after use (preferably restoration).
RHP certification is about the quality of growing media (e.g. water uptake, air content, pH, EC and nutrients). Also hygiene (no pathogens) is important. RHP monitors the quality of growing media in the chain, starting from the production of raw materials and a large part of that is peat.
In short:
RPP is about environment, RHP about quality and the certifications are completely independent of each other.