Workshop ‘Best Practices of Mitigation Measures'
September 15th 2017 in RIGA
RPP organizes a workshop on September 15th 2017 in RIGA, following on the Baltic Peat Forum. The workshop is called:
Best practices of mitigation measures and practical experiences with RPP certification
During the meeting we will explain the content of the various chapters in the RPP scheme, while we welcome your experiences. Central issue in the program is the discussion of on-site and off-site impacts of peat extraction. With regard to mitigation of possible impacts, RPP wants to exchange knowledge and experiences. The intended result is a "tool-box" of possible measures and insight in effectiveness.
See also the Program Agenda of our workshop
We need your contribution
Would you be willing to share your knowledge and experience?
We are looking for peat producers, consultants, scientists and other experts who can make a significant contribution to our workshop. Interested? Please contact us for more information.
Pre-registration required - please contact us