First RPP labelled growing media on the market!
Lentse & Slingerland Potgrond, Greenyard Horticulture, Compo and Euflor meet all the standards to bring RPP labelled products on the market.
Responsibly Produced Peat (RPP) is proud to announce that the first 4 companies produce RPP-labelled growing media products: Lentse & Slingerland Potgrond from the Netherlands, Greenyard Horticulture from Belgium and Compo and Euflor from Germany. They meet all the standards to bring RPP labelled products on the market. These standards are described in the RPP certification scheme version 2.0 (Chain of Custody)
The on product RPP label can be recognized by the logo and a unique registration number (see photo).
The RPP label implies that the certified peat in the growing medium product comes from RPP certified peat extraction fields. The peat has been produced in compliance with stringent criteria on peatland selection, extraction and responsibilities for the area after use. The RPP certification scheme does not allow peat extraction from valuable peatlands with High Conservation Values, nor negative impact on these areas. In addition, it strongly prioritises extraction from degraded peatlands and restoration after extraction. Peat producing companies and locations are always assessed by an independent inspector.
Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat is a European organisation where international parties from peat industry, NGOs and science are involved. RPP has established a reliable, transparent certification system for responsible production of peat which is used as a valuable constituent for growing media.
For more information on the RPP label and the Chain of Custody?
Please visit the page 'Get Involved'